Tracking Services for Business Promotion
Companies are constantly striving to promote their brand. Media monitoring is an essential part of promoting and checking the brand name and value. Tracking services take it to the next level by tracking the critical development opportunities for business. Advertisement and tender are 2 critical parameters that can take your business to next level, by bringing in revenue and creating brand value at the same time.

Advertisement Tracking
Advertisements are at the core of creating brand awareness of your product or service.Tracking advertisement is the process of collecting data on the performances of the ad campaigns you run across the media platforms. It is important to think about the metric that is measured against the performance of the campaigns. There are a lot of tools and software helping companies with this. Yet, a customized ad campaign service provider can tailor solutions as per the necessity of the business.
These service providers track the impression to determine the reach of the campaign. They set click and engagement tracker to analyze the audience responses to the ad, URL tracker to analyze its online performance, and conversion tracker to analyze till the bottom of the funnel. Running an ad campaign with tailor-made advertisement tracking heads you in the forecast of the possible ROI.
Tender Tracking
Tracking tenders is the next crucial revenue-creating parameter. A company needs to assess the potentially prospective tender application. If your company is not navigating the procurement process of the tender properly, either by drafting a poor proposal, not using services that improve tender opportunities or keeping up with the application status, you could potentially let numerous tenders, contracts, and subcontracts pass you by.
Generally, a tender document includes a cover letter, an invitation to the tender, application, terms, and conditions, bill of quantities, specification, designs, and drawings, evaluation criteria, and a tender return label. These details are packed and sealed to any public or private organization calling for a tender. The tender must be traced using the unique number, for both national and international tenders. All these processes will be taken care of by the service providers.
Also, tracking the new tender opportunities allows you to have a line of opportunities that you can win. Tracking services help your companies in managing all tender-related activities from finding the tenders for your services to helping you get them.
Tracking services, both advertisement tracking, and tender tracking are indeed business promoting services that every company needs to take onboard. There are a lot of companies providing tracking services. Choose the one that matches your requirements and budget and has good credibility in the market.